Today is Gudi padwa, a very auspicious day and new year's as per the Hindu calendar.
This month has been very introspective and I want to mark this day with positive energies. I think February taught me an excellent lesson. At a practical level it has pushed me to assess the importance of money. I haven't saved anything in the past six months, shame on me!! I have to see my accounts on where all the money is gone :D. Its probably flight tickets and small small things but the summation of these small small things are creating a huge impact on my wallet. Lesson learned and I plan to save more in the coming months.
Recently I came across the following proverb.
"The real contest is always between what you've done and what you're capable of doing. You measure yourself against yourself and nobody else." ~ Geoffrey Gaberino
The timing was rather apt. Now, I believe my capability rather touches the sky while what I have done rests on the earth. I have believed, I am meant for GREATNESS and this introspective month has revealed that I haven't lived up to what I would be at 34. I should have done some Europe vacations for now and I haven't made a single one happen. I have never been a money-minded person so I haven't focused on how much I make. My struggle has always been what I do and does it make and keep me happy? I have had a remarkable 18 months professionally and really enjoyed what I have been doing!! However, its time that I get paid more and move onto a similar interesting body of work.
The GREATNESS, I was talking about is probably going to come by becoming a published author. I was hoping for it to happen in 2012 and the first draft is ready. However, when I started redoing chapter two, I realized there is so much more to write and do. I don't want to finish the book for the heck of finishing it. I want to give it all the attention it deserves. Needless to say, I believe people are going to love the book. Someday, somebody is going to pick the book and make a movie of it.
Now you can imagine how much I dream? But then what is life without dreams!!
A great philosopher once said "Either write a story that people would love to read or be the story that people would love to know." Until the book happens, I shall focus on being the story that people would love to know.
However, even though I stay on the ground aiming to reach the skies, I feel I am blessed. I am closer to family, I have some great friends and I have dreams to wake up to tomorrow. They shall all happen.
I have good health, I have reasonable wealth and I have love. * Kala tikka * like my friend Bindhu would say :o).
So here's wishing all my dear ones - health, wealth and love - the three things that are essential to feel blessed. Tomorrow, lets work for more.