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Self proclaimed writer. Hands on photographer. Story teller. Dreamer. A work-in-progress human.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Early morning dream!!

I had a strange dream this morning. I saw a beige mouse. Very pretty looking actually but I hate mice. So I freaked out in the dream... but in whatever unconsciousness, I realized this was Ganesha festival so it seemed like a very good sign!!

In the same dream or another, I do not know now, I saw an eagle. It dived down right to where I was and, in reflex, I raised my forearm for the eagle to sit. I was worried about the claws but when I saw the eagle dive down with such confidence, "I must know the eagle", is what I said to myself. Hence the forearm reflex. Isn't the eagle the national bird of US or something? Or some specific breed of eagle?

This morning I got something in my inbox and I have been thinking of the dream!!

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