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Self proclaimed writer. Hands on photographer. Story teller. Dreamer. A work-in-progress human.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The amateur photographer

Lets live sum: The aggregate sum is greater than the sum of its parts

One day in the past I realized I like photography and so I started taking pictures. My first buy has been a Nikon N65 (I think) SLR way back in 2001. The first time it was probably used was in February 2002 to capture a few memories in Goa. And then it was followed by an Olympus digicam and now a Canon 120 XS. When I started I didn't know what this "liking" would mean; I am only glad that the affinity continued. However the other day, Alok mentioned of a photography competition sponsored by Nikon on the 'Better photography' website and I jogged through some pictures down memory lane. I seemed very impressed with what I had clicked over the years - not in terms of technicality or photographic skills but moments - plain simple moments; like when AD stayed over at my bangalore apartment and I decided to use the Nikon again, faces at Airlines breakfasts in bangalore, Flora @ Pegasus, sunsets by Kelva beach, family peeps and sometimes a lot of me clicked by other people especially Paro.

Its not a mere liking anymore, neither a hobby - its something more like I have captured a part of life in the past, the good times, the faces that speak, the smiles, the attitude and the scenic beauty of nature.

Guess its time to buy a DSLR and click a billion more!

AD, morning fresh
Grandma, I love this one!
20 feet above the ground I bloom
I like the Silhouette against the sunset backdrop: this one I entered in the contest
I love this one too: Leave me alone with my shit *smoke* for now

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